Freedom means the freedom to say two plus two is four * If that is granted all else follows
Sunday, May 20, 2007
blairs acties for the worse in reason door Brendan O'Neill
the Blairites have gone some way to making George Orwell’s dystopian nightmare of 1984 a reality. Winston Smith was tormented by the telescreen which monitored his every movement and also spoke to him; he hated the “horrible children” who spied on everyone, and the fact that “it was almost normal for people over 30 to be frightened of their own children.” When sanctimonious 12-year-olds start telling off we Britons over loudspeakers later this month, I think we’ll know how Smith felt.
five million CCTV camera's
suspicious behaviour recognition
gait recognition
speaking CCTV cameras
recruiting children (voor roepen orders via luidsprekers CCTV cameras)
Manilow method
Anti-Social Behaviour Orders ASBO