Fitts geeft deze site als "recommended for flu info".
Freedom means the freedom to say two plus two is four * If that is granted all else follows
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
squaleen laat u liefst niet in uwe aderen spuiten

WHO claimt dat hulpstof squaline veilig is. Het is echter niet zo.
- "animals injected with his formulation developed terrible, incurable conditions: allergic aspermatogenesis (stoppage of sperm production), experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (the animal version of MS), allergic neuritis (inflammation of the nerves that can lead to paralysis) and other severe autoimmune disorders". There was no reversing any of these conditions.
Met name die verlammingen en autoimmuumziekten kom ik overal tegen. Bijvoorbeeld de duizenden claims van mensen die de swineflu injectie in jaren '70 hebben genomen, handelen grotendeels over verlammingen.
Uit "Vaccine A" van Gary Matsumoto:
"It does a terrific job of stimulating the immune system, though. Unfortunately, Freund's Complete Adjuvant can cause permanent organ damage and incurable disease. As early as the 1930s, these oil additives were notorious for inducing illness. By the 1950s, scientists knew these illnesses were specifically autoimmune. Today that is their chief use in research—inducing disease instead of preventing it. Scientists studying autoimmune disease cannot wait around for its spontaneous appearance in a lab animal; they inject it with Freund's Complete Adjuvant to reproduce autoimmunity on demand. Oil adjuvants made with squalene equally effective at this job, and regrettably according to Dutch scientists, equally inhumane." (ik weet niet wie deze "Dutch scientists" zijn)
"The UCLA team had found what it was looking for: oils that induced autoimmune disease, but with less inflammation. Between the two of them, squalene was less desirable for UCLA's purposes. "Squalene was more arthritogenic," Beck recalls, "but it also produced a greater inflammation."
Link naar exerpt, "The Greatest Story Never Told"
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Monday, July 27, 2009
niet in het nrc: CFR heeft nu tevens invloed op nederlandse media

CFR trustee eigenaar van SBS6, Veronica. Net5, ProSiebenSat1 en waarschijnlijk ook van IdtV.
Henry Kravis van Kohlberg Kravis en Roberts ofwel KKR/Permira zijn per heden eigenaar van een aantal zogenaamd onafhankelijke media.
Henry Kravis maakt deel uit van de board of directors van de Council on Foreign Relations. Hij schijnt op de gastenlijst van Bilderberg 2009 in Athene te staan. Echter niet op de mijne.
UPDATE. Kravis heeft sinds 2000 ACHT Bilderberg meetings bezocht. Evenveel als Kissinger.
telegraaf plaatst bericht bernard debré

Artikel (tje) Telegraaf.
Le Monde: "Bien sûr, ce virus peut muter et devenir virulent. Pour l'instant ce n'est pas l'avis exprimé par la majorité des virologues... Admettons que le pire se produise. Est-on certain que les vaccins commandés seront efficaces ? Non", tranche M. Debré, qui qualifie d'"erreur économique" la commande française ferme de 100 millions de vaccins. artikel
Sunday, July 26, 2009
niet in het nrc: minister of health UK, darzi neemt afscheid

Top surgeon Lord Darzi, one of several non-political figures brought into Gordon Brown's government, is to resign as health minister.
Downing Street confirmed he will remain as a government adviser but quit as a minister "to devote more time to his clinical role and academic research". [source BBC]
That's the official story. An alternative story is Lord Darzi read too many investigative articles like this in recent months from Major General Albert N. Stubblebine III (US Army, Ret.), President of Natural Solutions Foundation.
1. An "informal" [e.g., illegal] clinical trial of the Avian Flu vaccine on about 200 Polish vagrants resulted in 11 immediate deaths and an additional set of 20 later deaths (approximately 15% of the test population). The doctors and nurses involved were charged with murder. (Fact. 2008)
2. Approximately 3500 Chinese children died in an Avian Flu vaccine experiment. (Rumor, 2008)
3. The Philippine High Court convicted WHO (The World Health Organization) of involuntarily sterilizing over 3 million Philippina women through the use of vaccines. (Fact)
4. The WHO in 1985 documented that one of its' primary goals for the use of a sterility vaccine disguised as a smallpox vaccine was to "eliminate 150 million excess Sub Saharan Africans". (Fact, 1985-ongoing)
5. The WHO 5-shot vaccine programs for tetanus in third world countries in South and Central America caused the involuntary sterilization of millions of women. (Fact, ongoing)
6. Monsanto's MON 810 corn causes sterility according to studies published by the Austrian Government. (Fact, 2009)
7. Monsanto's MON 810 corn contains the Cauliflower Mosaic Virus which, when ingested, lowers the bodies CD 4 cells to a point which, on immune tests, indicate that a person has HIV/AIDS. The lowered CD 4 cells results from eating GMO corn, the staple of the diet in many parts of Black Africa. MON 810 is grown in Europe for animal feed and in many places, including the US, around the world for human food. (Fact, ongoing)
8. Merck's Gardasil vaccine causes death, collapse and chronic illness in young woman and girls, including a new, never-before described "disease" called Juvenile ALS, a fatal condition in which the nervous system is slowly destroyed while consciousness remains unimpaired. This vaccine increases cervical cancer by 44.7% in women and girls who already have Human Papilloma Virus. Cervical Cancer is easily detected and cured in early stages and is not a major killer of women. Gardasil contains substances which may cause sterility in women receiving it and any protection lasts only a few years, so 9 year olds will probably not be sexually active by the time this protection has worn off. (Fact, ongoing)
9. Baxter International Inc. was in the process of applying for a contract to provide Avian Flu vaccines to European countries in the event of an Avian Flu epidemic. Its Austrian laboratory shipped Seasonal Flu vaccines to 18 countries in Europe. A laboratory technician tested the Baxter Seasonal Flu vaccines sent to the Czech Republic and discovered that they were contaminated with a highly pathogenic version of the Avian Flu, 72 Kilograms of it, although Level 3 precautions were in place and such contamination "could not have happened accidentally" according to experts in the field. No documentation of the destruction of this highly infective material has been provided although the Austrian Health Ministry insists that the deadly viral material was destroyed. (Fact, 2008, 2009)
10. A WHO investigation into the Baxter contaminated vaccine issue resulted in NO findings and in NO disciplinary actions. An Austrian investigation into the same events yielded the same results. (Fact, 2009)
11. Baxter has been rewarded with a lead role in developing, producing and disseminating the Swine Flu vaccine for the upcoming pandemic. (Fact, 2009)
12. Swine Flu was first identified to the public as a serious problem in April/May 2009 when 168 persons in Mexico were confirmed by CDC and WHO to have died from the Swine Flu. This number was later revised downward to only 16 deaths. (Fact, 2009)
13. It normally takes a minimum of 12 to 18 months to create a vaccine after a specific virus has been identified. (Fact)
14. The US Government has spent more than a billion dollars to develop and to make available the Swine flu vaccine for a disease which poses no significant health threat. (Fact, 2009)
15. The "Seed Culture" for the Swine Flu virus was provided to vaccine companies in May, 2009. Baxter International Inc. announced in June, 2009 that they would have their vaccine ready in July, 2009 . (Fact, 2009)
16. A WHO container of Swine Flu virus from Mexico City exploded on a passenger train in Luzon, Switzerland. All of the current Swiss cases of Swine Flu are from the area where the explosion took place. It is illegal to ship pathogenic viruses in this way. (Fact, 2009)
17. A significant number of virologists and other scientists are on record stating that the Swine Flu was created in a laboratory and could not evolve naturally. (Fact, 2009)
And it continues:
1. Canada, Sweden, Norway, France and other countries have announced intentions to vaccinate every man, woman and child. To do so, they are ordering 2 shots per person of untested, unsafe and unnecessary Swine Flu Vaccines from a variety of manufacturers. The US Departments of Homeland Security and Health and Human Services both stated in early 2009 that they would do so “beginning with those who want it”. (Fact, 2009)
2. President Obama announced to the public shortly after his inauguration that every man, woman and child should receive the Avian Flu vaccine this fall along with seasonal flu shots this coming Fall. President Obama is on record saying that he believes that vaccinations should be mandatory. (Fact, 2009)
3. The United States has spent $714 Million GPS mapping every front door of every house and apartment in the country and listing who lives in each house or apartment under the direction of the White House. (Fact, 2009)
4. Many people have reported that they have received calls at home or at work from agencies of the US Government inquiring about the “number of unvaccinated children in the household”. (Fact, 2009)
5. The United States, Norway, Sweden, Austria and other countries have announced that in case of a Swine Flu pandemic all health and security authority shall revert to teams and command centers run by the WHO. (Fact, 2009)
6. Every recent major event like 9/11, the Madrid bombings or the London bombings has been accompanied by a materially identical “training exercise” simulating the actual event involving, confusing and distracting the legitimate responders. (Fact, 2001-ongoing)
7. A major set of FEMA training exercises is scheduled for 27 July, 2009. (Fact, 2009)
an invisible war

"Although it is unpleasant to acknowledge, we are caught up in an invisible war. We are being tricked and, in many cases, we can't see the game. It follows that if we don't know we're being 'played,' we won't know how to protect ourselves. My goal is to remove the barriers that prevent you from seeing this game: how it affects your money, your health, and your safety."
~ Catherine Austin Fitts
a slower organic die-off

Note Fitts:
FYI - my comments were not intended to mean I anticipate a fast die-off. I don’t. I expect lower immune systems, higher levels of toxicity, an adaptation to a loss of financial benefits and political rights and the combination leading to a slower organic die-off.
I would point out that higher death rates in the seniors means a lot more capital transfering to the next generations to keep their funding going for some period of time. It is a managed liquidation of family capital that maintains the slow burn.
plans emerge from process

reactie Fitts:
I have spent a lifetime working with business leaders, government leaders, dealing with private or secret societies and intelligence agencies and my personal, limited experience is that resources are governed first and foremost by plans that emerge from process. The highest level plans emerge from a process entirely outside of formal corporations or governments and often do not comply with existing laws. That is how the world is governed.
So you would be well advised to stop snearing at the word conspiracy. It automatically marginalizes you in a serious way.
Most of the folks in groups like the CFR don’t know what is going on either

Reactie Fitts:
You said:
If you were in the Bush administration, doesn’t that make you more connected with power than 99.9% of the public?
I would say it would make me more connected that 95% of the people who operate on the overt side of the economy. I would be more connected that may who operate on the covert, however they would have had a lot of knowledge about what is really going on that those who operate on the overt would not — even towards the top.
You said:
It doesn’t sound reasonable to speculate on what shadowy figures at the National Institute of Health or in societies desiring population reduction are planning. Shouldn’t you just know, via your connections?
Nope. See I spent 11 years in litigation with the federal government. That gives me lots of very good sources that I did not have before. However, that means that members of the CFR etc are going to be careful what they say to me, particularly now that I am in the media. Net net, I think my sources of information are far superior than they were. However limited when it comes to my old contacts. Most of the folks in groups like the CFR don’t know what is going on either.
You said:
Also,… isn’t there a fairly famous clip of Bush Sr. using the phrase New World Order? He was the head of the CIA. All of this doesn’t add up. Of course there are conspiracies among powerful people, but you’re writing like someone at the bottom of the power structure.
Good heavens. If I was at the bottom I would never writing this blog. I would be dead. It takes a lot of resources and connections to stay alive as I have and do what I do. That said, people at the bottom have a lot of perspective that people in the middle do not have. I do not feel as I am of any particular group. Rather, I try to use my skills as a portfolio and investment strategist to look at the world whole and be an honest broker to all, albeit I am limited by working in English only.
The question before is: How do we develop new economic models for planet Earth and an investment strategy to shift from where we are to something that places all life at the center?
population reduction agenda?

Een official uit de eerste Bush termijn spreekt van haar vermoeden:
"Overwhelmed by what was happening, I estimated the end result. My simple calculations guessed that we were going to achieve economic sustainability on Earth by depopulating down to a population of approximately 500 million people from our then current global population of 6 billion. I was a portfolio strategist used to looking at numbers from a very high level. Those around me could not fathom how all the different threads I was integrating could lead to such a conclusion. To me, we had to have radical change in how we governed resources or depopulate. It was a mathematical result.
A year later, in 1999, a very capable investment and portfolio strategist asked me if he could come have a private lunch with me in Washington. We sat in a posh restaurant across from the Capitol. He said quietly that he had calculated out where the derivatives and debt bubble combined with globalization were going. The only logical conclusion he could reach was that significant depopulation was going to occur. He said his estimates led to an approximate population of 500 million. I said very quietly, “that’s my estimate too.” I will never forget the look of sadness that crossed his face. I was amazed to find someone else who understood.
It turns out that we were not alone. Sir James Goldsmith had warned of the consequences of GATT in 1994. He described the process under way, involving the loss of land and livelihood for 3 billion people, “…This is the establishment against the rest of society.” Voices were rising around the planet as hardships exploded from global economic warfare and industrialization of agriculture."
"That is, unless you change the actuarial assumptions in the budget – like life expectancy. Lowering immune systems and increasing toxicity levels combined with poor food, water and terrorizing stress will help do the trick. Review the history of vaccines rushed into production without proper testing and peer review - it is clear about the potential side effects. In addition, a plague can so frighten and help control people that they will accept the end of their current benefits (and the resulting implications to life expectancy) without objection. And a plague with proper planning can be highly profitable. Whatever the truth of what swine flu and related vaccines are, it can be used as a way to keep control in a situation that is quickly shifting out of control."
Hele artikel Catherine Austin Fitts
ENDGAME? - WHO has the authority to force everyone in 194 member states to take a vaccine this fall at gunpoint

Under the International Health Regulations, WHO guidelines have a binding character on all of WHO’s 194 signatory countries in the event of a pandemic emergency of the kind anticipated this autumn when the second more lethal wave of the H1N1 virus — which is bioengineered to resemble the Spanish flu virus — emerges.
In short: WHO has the authority to force everyone in those 194 countries to take a vaccine this fall at gunpoint, impose quarantines and restrict travel.
There is verifiable, clear and unambiguous proof that WHO supplied the live bird flu virus to Baxter’s subsidiary in Austria, which was used by Baxter to manufacture 72 kilos of vaccine material in Febuary.
Baxter subsequently sent this material out to 16 labs in four countries under a false label designating the contaminated product as vaccine material, so nearly triggering a global pandemic.
Because Baxter must adhere to strict biosafety level 3 regulations when handling a dangerus virus such as the bird flu virus, the production and distribution of so much pandemic material cannot have been an accident but must have been done by Baxter with criminal intent.
The Austrian police are now investigating after I filed criminal charges in April.
Hele artikel Jane Burgermeister
Haar site
Saturday, July 25, 2009
tijdperk van willekeurige arrestaties begonnen - het EAB
Het EAB houdt in dat een Nederlandse rechter het arrestatiebevel van een collega uit een ander EU-land dient te respecteren en uit te voeren .
Ook wanneer volgens de Nederlandse wetgeving iemand voor een dergelijk vergrijp niet in voorarrest gezet mag worden of wanneer het feit, in tegenstelling tot het land dat de uitlevering vordert, zelfs in Nederland helemaal niet strafbaar is. In Nederland vindt in zo’n geval geen onderzoek plaats naar de feitelijke schuld van de betrokkene! Het EAB maakt het volgens clausule 2003/577/GAI zelfs mogelijk dat de bezittingen van een verdachte in beslag genomen worden, waardoor het vrijwel onmogelijk wordt om bij berechting in een vreemd land nog adequate tolken of een Nederlandssprekende advocaat in te schakelen.
Volgens het EAB kan een EU-lidstaat een burger in een ander EU-land ook laten veroordelen, terwijl het gepleegde strafbare feit in eigen land niet strafbaar is. De volgende situatie zou zich kunnen voordoen: u heeft in Amsterdam deelgenomen aan een protestdemonstratie tegen de regering. Tijdens deze demonstratie heeft u een spandoek omhoog gehouden met daarop de tekst ‘Weg met deze regering’. Volgens het Nederlandse recht is dat volledig legaal. In Slovenië echter worden demonstraties tegen de regering gezien als terroristische daden, en terrorisme valt nu eenmaal onder het EAB. Dat betekent dat het mogelijk is dat u aan Slovenië uitgeleverd mag worden om daar wegens terrorisme berecht en veroordeeld te worden.
Vraagt u zich dus maar eens in alle ernst af of u vijanden heeft. Neemt u deel aan politieke activiteiten? Het schrijven van een ingezonden stuk in een krant over bijvoorbeeld 11 september 2001 kan op Malta als een terroristische daad aangemerkt worden, waarop een gevangenisstraf van minstens twee jaar kan volgen. Niet alleen echter de persvrijheid, ook de vrijheid van meningsuiting is in het geding. In Bulgarije bijvoorbeeld bestaat een antidiscriminatiewet (betreffende godsdienst, leeftijd en seksuele identiteit) waarmee u als Nederlander al heel snel in conflict kunt komen (minimale straf is hier vijf jaar gevangenis).
In de meeste landen van de EU behoort het EAB al tot de dagelijkse praktijk en dreigen burgergrondrechten tot een speelbal van Europese justitiële instanties te worden. Het EAB maakt korte metten met de beschermingsclausules waarmee de cultuur van onze eigen strafrechtstraditie tot nog toe gewaarborgd was.
Door invoering van het EAB wordt o.a. de eis van dubbele strafbaarheid voor het gros van de delicten waarvoor mag worden uitgeleverd, afgeschaft. In de oude procedure moest de gedraging waarvoor moest worden uitgeleverd strafbaar zijn in zowel het land dat om uitlevering vroeg, als in het land dat zou uitleveren.
Hele artikel Vrije Volk (oogklep alert)
VI's orwell in 2009 I
Modern slavespeak
Gelijkheid betekent ongelijkheidDuurzame ontwikkeling - het ontwikkelen van een concept ingericht op een hogere afdracht van belastingen
Duurzaam betekent duur of zwaar belast
Cohesie betekent fragmentatie
Diversiteit betekent uniformiteit
Sociaal-democratie, christen-democratie betekent fascisme
Liefdadigheid betekent de elite bevoordelen
Opleiding betekent brainwash
Verandering betekent chaos
Consensus betekent dictatuur
Democratie betekent corporate/state control of dictatuur
NGO (non governmental org.) betekent staatsorganisatie
Culturele verrijking betekent culturele verarming
Management betekent manipulatie
politiebureau betekent incassobureau
werk, werk, werk betekent slavernij, slavernij, slavernij
Burger betekent slaaf
Intellectueel betekent staatspropagandist
Consensus creëren - Het bereiken van een vooraf bepaalde uitkomst door middel van dialoog, vaak door negeren, labelen, intimideren, ridiculiseren, of het negeren van anders denkenden.
De bevordering van gestandaardiseerde content (media) - Censuur
Wereld burgers - New World Order belastingslaven
Friday, July 24, 2009
architect concept dat geneva conventions niet voor iedereen gelden - "enhanced interrogation techniques" john yoo busted

A popular Australian comedy show took the fight over the US's torture program straight to John Yoo's law class at the University of California-Berkeley.
A performer from The Chaser's War on Everything interrupted a lecture by John Yoo -- the former Department of Justice lawyer who wrote many of the legal memos justifying the Bush administration's torture program -- by standing up on a desk dressed in "Abu Ghraib" fashion -- a dark cloak and a black, pointed hood.
"Professor, I've got one question," the comedian asked. "How long am I required to stand here until it counts as torture?"
When students suggested that the comedian leave, he replied: "I'd love to move but every time I do my balls get buzzed."
"Unfortunately, I'm going to have to end the class," Yoo said, gathering his papers and moving towards the exit.
Said Yoo to the comedian: "I'll give you a certain amount of time to leave before I report [this] to security."
This is not the first time Australian network ABC1's Chaser's War on Everything has stepped into controversy.
In September of 2007, the show caused a stir when it crashed an APEC conference in Sydney, Australia, pretending to be a Canadian diplomatic convoy with Osama bin Laden riding inside.
Earlier this year, the show ruffled some feathers in Rome when it landed a blimp in St. Peter's Square, outside the Vatican.
-- Daniel Tencer
Hat tip Zap Log
Senate investigators said the seeds of the policy originated in a Feb. 7, 2002, memo signed by President Bush declaring that the Geneva Conventions, which outline standards for the humane treatment of detainees, did not apply to captured al-Qaeda and Taliban fighters.
Responding to the report, Vice President Dick Cheney stated that the CIA asked his advice regarding these techniques less than a year after the September 11 attacks in 2001 and he helped get the "process cleared."
John Yoo is sorry for nothing op
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
common purpose - the human kind consistently creep into awful calamities.
The "Witch Doctor" verdiept zich in Common Purpose en verbaasd zich:
"The Witch Doctor feels the time has come to inform all readers of this blog what she has been doing for over three months.
In December of this year I had a very uneasy feeling about “The Leadership Agenda” that was percolating through the NHS. Alongside this was another equally uneasy feeling about The Third Sector. I decided to look into this further and was astonished to find a charity called “Common Purpose” which seems to train leaders was linked to a very bizarre conspiracy theory.
I had never heard of Common Purpose.
I don’t believe much in Conspiracies.
But I do believe in the dangers of Creep.
The Human Kind consistently creep into awful calamities.
I decided to investigate Common Purpose from scratch, but My Black Cat kept jumping up and down about conspiracies.
I had to throw a gallon of water over her!
However, I am developing a distinct feeling of unease of about this charity which has affiliations everywhere and yet most people, like myself, had never heard of it.
I find it difficult to shrug off this feeling of unease.
The time has come for me to share my information with you so you can make up your own mind about it and perhaps also question why this country now seems to need so many people to be trained as leaders.
Who exactly are those thousands of people going to be leading?
Where to?
What for?"
Monday, July 20, 2009
executive order 13489

Zo regelt een president dat speurders naar zijn afkomst bot vangen.
Op de eerste dag van Obama's presidentschap.
Iemand die op dit gebied niets te verzwijgen heeft, doet dit niet.
Saturday, July 18, 2009
wereldwijde genocide?

Over Squaline.
Over het vaccin.
O.a. over Jane Bürgermeister.
John Consemulder
Links meerdere artikelen vaccinatie. (hard core Christian alert)
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
hillary is content met het neerstrijken van haar souffleur in washington

Full quote Hillary Clinton - gisteren 15 juli 2009, official transcript.
"Thank you very much, Richard, and I am delighted to be here in these new headquarters. I have been often to, I guess, the mother ship in New York City, but it’s good to have an outpost of the Council right here down the street from the State Department.
We get a lot of advice from the Council, so this will mean I won’t have as far to go to be told what we should be doing and how we should think about the future. "
maurice strong: "what if"?

“What if a small group of world leaders were to conclude that the principal risk to the Earth [environment] comes from the actions of the rich countries?… So, in order to save the planet, the group decides: Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring that about? This group of world leaders form a secret society to bring about an economic collapse.”– Kyoto architect Maurice Strong, May, 1990 interview with West Magazine
Sunday, July 12, 2009
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